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Writer's pictureVitthal Verma

Top Tips For Selling Gold Jewellery For Cash

Updated: Oct 8

Gold is a highly valuable metal. In case you own gold jewellery, you are surely holding something of great value. As such, gold jewellery can be traded for cash. These include inherited jewellery that is not liked, broken pieces that do not merit repair, unfashionable jewellery and if there is a need for instant cash.

Common reasons to trade gold jewellery

  • Make quick cash

In case you require some hard, cold cash, for no matter what reason, the solution is to sell some of your old gold jewellery that you no longer use to gold jewellery buyer in Delhi. Since gold has a high value, you don’t require a lot of gold jewellery for it to turn out to be valuable. Storing gold is a less liquid asset compared to cash.

  • For upgradation

At times, old gold jewellery is simply gold jewellery that has gone out of style. Currently, fashion trends change fast, even within a period of a month. Therefore, you can sell old jewellery in exchange for cash or new pieces of jewellery.

  • Safety

Many a time, people save gold jewellery that they don’t like or do not wear. But gold jewellery is a prime target for thieves on the lookout for valuables. So, for safety reasons, it is good to trade it for cash and maintain cash in an insured account or invest the same.

  • Transforming  inheritance to cash

You might be inheriting gold jewellery that you do not care for. By selling this inheritance, you can gain cash that can be useful for a rainy day.

  • Current price of gold

If this price is attractive, it pays to sell your gold assets to get the maximum gain. However, take note that the price of gold is highly volatile. Yet, the process of selling gold assets is fairly easy today, making it highly attractive.

  • Less popularity of gold jewellery

 Persons do not wear gold jewellery like they used to. It is rare to spot people wearing bunches of rings or layers of chains. Costume jewellery has become more popular than silver or gold jewellery.

Tips for selling gold jewellery

  • Try to sell to stores for jewellery

Jewellery stores are the ideal place to sell your gold jewellery because of a number of reasons. They are ready to pay more compared to pawn shops. They know the real value of your used jewellery and will not attempt to undercut you. They are careful about their reputation.

  • Avoid sales to pawn shops

These shops typically offer less than the real worth of your jewellery. They typically deal with persons seeking urgent cash. They buy gold items for a low value and sell these for a highly inflated value. They are thus not the best place to sell gold in Delhi.

  • Avoid ‘we buy gold’ outlets

Such stores prey on persons who are novices in selling gold. These stores are typically situated near high-traffic areas like casinos, where people need to access fast cash.

  • Shop around and do home work

One must approach the sale of old jewellery like how you would buy new jewellery. You would want to work with someone who is well-reputed and knows the real worth of your jewellery. Thus, you want to steer clear of fly-by-night operators.

Check out both physical stores and online sites where you can sell your gold assets, especially used gold jewellery, for maximum value.

  • Check with BBB

Before selling gold for cash, it is good to check with the BBB (Better Business Bureau). This is because you may have an ongoing relationship of business with the company who you sold your gold to. You may need to conduct many negotiations with them.

You may also want to know if your jewellery will be handled properly. In case the buying store is indulging in illegal activity, it is crucial that you know this before engaging with them.

  • Know the value of your possessions

It is critical that you know what you possess. Do you own silver or gold? What about precious stones such as diamonds? You need to spend time to organize your collection. How many items do you have? What was the source of their origin? 

When you know the true value of your jewellery, you can save yourself from being fleeced. You need to know as much about the jewellery you are selling as much as the people buying it. This is the best way to avoid being exploited by gold jewellery buyers in Delhi.

  • Get appraisals done of your gold jewellery

Getting appraisals of your gold jewellery before trying to sell them is a good idea. Note that this should be done at a reasonable rate. Firstly, if a friend or family member works at a jewellery store, maybe you can get an appraisal done for free. You can even do appraisals on your own through many useful websites that can help you.

  • Sort the jewellery

Prior to selling gold jewellery, it is a good idea to sort it out beforehand. Especially if you are trying to sell old gold online, you must know exactly what you own. One way to do this is by sorting the stuff by Karats. Gold comes in various Karats. High Karats indicate softer gold. Get your local jeweller to appraise your gold jewellery by Karat.

  • Know the weight

In case you intend to sell gold jewellery for cash, you need to know its weight. The crucial factor is melt weight. Some websites can help you figure out the melt weight of your jewellery. All you need to do is to key in some details about your gold at these sites.

Since most gold will be melted down to gain cash, the buyer will be interested in knowing the melt weight. When you walk into the premises of a jeweller, knowing the melt weight of your gold, you will not be exploited.

  • Get some quotes

Though this might seem like hard work, it is good to gain a few quotes before selling gold for cash. It is natural that you wish to get the maximum from your jewellery. Invest some effort, and it will surely pay off. You might want to get at least 3 quotes for your gold assets. Avoid overthinking while making a decision.

In sum, selling gold for cash is a vital decision, and the process must not be hurried. It is vital that you get the fair and best price for your gold jewellery.



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